Gál and Partners Law Firm was established on August 1, 2002, under the name Dr. András Levente Gál Law Firm, and has been operating as Gál and Partner Law Firm since October 2007, and as Gál and Partners Law Firm since May 2014.

The Firm has two members, the founder and managing partner Dr. András Levente Gál, and Dr. Katalin Varga, partner attorney. In addition to its attorney members, the Firm currently employs five associates, one legal assistant and one financial-administrative staff member. In addition, it has strategic partnerships with several independent attorney colleagues and law firms in order to provide a full range of services tailored to the needs of its clients.

The Office primarily handles business law, administrative law and corporate law matters. However, if necessary, it also fully undertakes cases in other legal areas with the involvement of expert partners and collaborators.

The Office specializes in providing high-level service in the following types of cases:

  • Corporate and business legal activities within the framework of providing full-scale legal representation for Hungarian-owned and international companies operating in various economic sectors.
  • Legal framework development for organisations and internal regulation of various organizations, legal entities, especially budgetary entities and state-owned companies.
  • Legal advice and representation in public procurement procedures, representing both the contracting authority’s and the bidder’s side, full-scale management of public procurement procedures.
  • Full-scale legal advice for public interest asset management foundations performing public tasks in the field of higher education, as well as for the higher education institutions maintained by said foundations , as well as providing legal counsel to state-run  higher education institutions, as well as to the sectoral supervisory authority.
  • In areas falling within the remit of ministries, providing legal expert services that support the performance of the ministry’s tasks, and participating in legislative processes.
  • Analysis and evaluation of domestic and international regulation of disruptive, innovative technologies (5G, drone regulation, blockchain, AI) , development of codification proposals and good practices.
  • Legal representation for municipalities in the field of public administration, legal advice.
  • Consulting on sports law issues related to the general operation of sports organizations (both commercial companies and sports clubs).
  • Creating the legal background for real estate developmentand operation, providing legal advice.
  • Offering legal advice regarding participation in tenders funded by the European Union, representation in legal appeal procedures.


Client service

By appointment only

Contact Information

Our address:
1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 4.

Phone number: +36 1 373 0140
Mobile: +36 70 431 9400
Fax: +36 1 373 0141
Email: iroda@galnet.eu